
Have you ever wondering who has the most papers published in a certain conference (or journal)? TopResearcher is designed to answer this question, which maintains a full list of papers as well as an author rank for a certain conference (or journal). All the results are built through the DBLP's resources.
Note that all the results in this project are automatically conducted through a tool, called TopResearcher, which is currently available as an open source project at HERE. The results may not be accurate, if you find problems, or have comments, advice, please send them to ME.

ICSE [full-list] [statistic]      FSE [full-list] [statistic]
ASE [full-list] [statistic]     
PLDI [full-list] [statistic]      POPL [full-list] [statistic]
OOPSLA [full-list] [statistic]     
S&P [full-list] [statistic]      CCS [full-list] [statistic]
USENIX Security [full-list] [statistic]      NDSS [full-list] [statistic]